I so get it. Been there. Even yesterday when I decided to tackle the 'office/homeschool room" It's something of a shrine now. I did put away books and folders and I filled two large trash bags but I don't think I am ready to take down the colorful posters that define parts of speech and the big letters that span the top of the bookcase that announces World History. This is art for me now.

This is hard to explain to those who have not reached my spot in the circle of life. I find it difficult to participate in forums of women who are just now discovering middle age and empty nest. What do I say? Been there done that? What words do I use to comfort - you'll get over it? Nope - no one wants to hear that. I guess that's one reason I stopped my blogspot and switched to substack. I needed a home for my elder perspective even if I am just talking to myself.

Last weekend we had a rare gathering of our first heirs. Only one lone teen grand was there. It was epic on many levels.


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It's always nice to find someone else in this unofficial club. Always nice to know it's not just me. Your homeschool room is definitely an art studio. Never to be closed.

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Yes it will stay as is as long as i am still in this house. The actual art studio is in the basement and that is still very active. And messy. And full of echoes of energetic creativity. It recently occurred to me that once you pass a certain point, you don't have to worry about cleaning up and sorting and throwing away. You can leave that to your heirs. How ironic. :-)

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I like your perspective on that. ;)

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